Creating or Editing a Letter/Notice

To Create or Edit a Letter/Notice:

  1. Use either the Work Queue or Operator List to select an operator/filing and click the Open operator work space button to open the Operator Summary Screen (Refer to procedures “Using the Work Queue” and “Using the Operator List” for details).

  1. Using the Operator Menu, click the Correspondence link.

The system displays the the initial version of the Correspondence screen, containing five radio buttons for the available correspondence Letter/Notice Types.  If the operator does not yet have an existing letter/notice, the screen displays only the Letter/Notice Type field group and radio buttons.

  1. Letter/Notice Type radio buttons:  Select a letter/notice type by clicking one of the Letter/Notice Type radio buttons.

The system refreshes the screen.  The area below the radio buttons displays the fields and controls for the selected letter/notice type, and the right side of the screen displays the Create Letter button, the Status display field, and the Editor Pane (with the Email View and Print View tabs displayed for existing letters if applicable).

  1. For the letter/notice type, add/edit data and make setting selections using the field groups below the Letter/Notice Type radio buttons:

    1. Recipients fields (To, Cc, FAA HQ Personnel, and FAA Signer):  Use the Recipient fields to provide/select recipients for the letter/notice:

      1. To (Required):  Use the To field to enter the email address of the representative who will receive the email (Note: “To:” is required when sending email but you can create a letter without the value.  If you change the recipient’s email address using the To: field, the system will display the Save Email Recipients button at the top of Edit Pane’s Email View window).  The To field will be auto-populated with the air carrier representative’s e-mail address when a representative is associated to the operator (If no air carrier representative is associated, the field remains empty/blank).

      2. Cc:  Enter the email address of the person identified by the submitter to receive a CC ( “carbon copy” as secondary recipient of the letter.  These are typically FAA staff (such as the operator’s Principle Inspector (POI, PMI, or PAI), other company personnel, or other interested parties.  Note: The field will be auto-populated with the Principle Inspector e-mail address if applicable.

      3. FAA HQ Personnel list box (Required):  Select an FAA HQ Personnel value using the list box (allows selection of one value).  This person may be an FAA Insurance Analyst affiliated with the operator and/or district.  This list is drawn from eAIM’s FAA HQ Personnel List (as managed using the Manage HQ Personnel List function).

      4. FAA Signer list box (Required):  By default, your name is entered into the field.  You can use the list box to select a different person who will be signing the letter/notice.  This list is also drawn from eAIM’s FAA HQ Personnel List.

    2. Heading fields/controls:  Use the Heading fields and controls to control the Addressee and mailing Address used in letter/notice heading:

      1. Letter Addressee list box:  Displays the current operator’s default Operator Name value.  You can use the list box to select a DBA Name (if applicable for the operator).

      2. Select Address radio buttons:  Select one of the following:

      • Insured Address (Operator)

      • Primary Address

      • Mailing Address

      • Agent for Service Address

    3. Options field group (Message Content Options):  Use the Options fields to control the message content to be dynamically included in the letter’s body text.

      1. For Initial Registration Request:  Use the Options check boxes to add system-generated message content for the selected letter/notice type.  Selecting a check box adds the text to the message’s bulleted list:  If a check box displays a check mark, the system places the displayed text within the bulleted list in the letter notice content displayed in the Editor tab (Note: The system requires that you select at least one value.

Available check boxes include:

  1. For Cancellation of Insurance:  Use the Options fields to control the message content to be dynamically included in the letter’s body text.

Insurance Coverage End Date (Required):  Enter a date value (using MM/DD/YYY format or by selecting a value using the Calendar control.  The date field is accompanied with the label “Your insurer has notified us that required insurance coverage will/did cease as of”.

Affected Aircraft field (Required):  Use this large field to identify aircraft that are affected by the coverage condition.  The field is displayed below the displayed text “Regarding following Aircraft”.

  1. For Cancellation of Economic Authority: Insurance:  Use the Options field to control the message content to be dynamically included in the letter’s body text.

Insurance End Date (Required):  Enter a date value (using MM/DD/YYY format or by selecting a value using the Calendar control.  The date field is accompanied with the label “Date when insurance ceased to be effective”.

  1. For Request Amendment:  The options field group is not displayed for this letter/notice type.

  2. For Cancellation of Economic Authority: Amendment:

Insurance End Date (Required):  Enter a date value using MM/DD/YYY format or by selecting a value using the Calendar control.  The date field is accompanied with the label “Date when insurance ceased to be effective”.

  1. Enclosures field group: Contains Form check boxes and View form buttons for Form 4507 and Form 6410.

    1. Form check boxes: Use the Form check boxes as need to attach a PDF copy of the submitted OST form(s) to the letter (as applicable for the operator filing):

      OST Form 4507 check box:  Attaches the submitted OST Form 4507 PDF.

      OST Form 6410 check box:  Attaches the submitted OST Form 6410 PDF.

    2. View 4507 button and View 6410 button:  To view a Form PDF of a filing form, click either the View 4507 or View 6410 button to open the respective filing form.

  1. Create Letter button: If creating a new letter/notice, click the Create Letter button, which is only displayed for new correspondence (i.e., if there is no existing letter/notice).

The system generates the letter’s starting content using the Options selections and the template stored in the system.  The system updates the screen to replace the Create Letter button with the Delete Letter button, setting the Status display value to “Created”, updating the Edit tabbed screen with letter text, and displaying the Email View and Print View tabs on the pane’s tab bar.

  1. Use the Editor Pane to edit the message content as needed.

    1. Use the Text Formatting buttons, including Bold, Italics, and Underline, as needed:  Highlight the text in the Editor tab and then click the preferred text formatting button(s).

    2. While performing edits to the text in the Message Content Area, the Editor pane will display the Save Changes and Discard Changes buttons.

    3. Click the Save Changes button to retain the changes (OR, click the Discard Changes button to abort the process).

Note:  If you edit the message content and then click another Editor Pane tab without saving, the system displays a message reminding you to save the changes.  Click the OK button to close the message box and then save your changes.

  1. To delete an existing letter, click the Delete Letter button.

The system displays a message box requesting that you confirm the delete action.  Click the OK button to complete the delete process (OR, click Cancel to abort the process).

  1. Print or E-mail the letter:

    1. To print the letter for physical signature, click the Download button.  You can then open and print the PDF document using your computer.

    2. To email the letter, click the Email button.  The system initiates your system’s email process for the letter.

Note:  If you change the recipient’s email address using the To: field, the system will display the Save Email Recipients button at the top of Edit pane’s Email View tab.

When you email the letter by clicking the Email button, the system displays the message “Your e-mail has been sent successfully”.